antique bell jar, wood, custom electronics, paper
71” x 25.5” x 25”
This work originated from the saying attributed to Mark Twain “I suffered a thousand catastrophes, most of them never happened.” As the viewer approaches the work, the 1000 pieces of paper inside the belljar swirl in a type of tornado until the viewer moves away. On each piece of paper is a real or a perceived personal catastrophe. The confessional nature of the text echoes the book by Sylvia Path, The Belljar.
2014 relay. Doris McCarthy Gallery, University of Toronto Scarborough, Ontario. Curated by Ann MacDonald.
2011 Elements of Chance. 7th Biennale of Montréal. Montréal, Québec. Co-curated by Claude Gosselin and David Liss.
2009 moving still. Olga Korper Gallery, Toronto, Ontario.